Monday, March 29, 2010

2 weeks old!

Mom was not very good at taking pictures this past week (I did capture a few on my cell phone I will try and upload at some point). Margaret has gone back to cluster feeding so it has kept mom pretty busy and exhausted. She will hopefully get past this falling asleep after only feeding 8 minutes tops! If we reach 10+ minutes, I feel like we have accomplished so much.

We did have a couple of firsts . . .
You guessed it, a walk! Think Tucker was the most excited?!?!
She wasn't so sure about the bright light . . .
but became very comfortable before we even left the driveway.

Sponge Bath Time!
The umbilical cord finally fell off!

So happy and clean!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! Mom said she took care of her yesterday while you ran errands. I was curious to see what Coal and Molly thought, but I guess that will wait til another day! Love the pics, can't wait to come see her again. Love and Miss you!
