Thursday, April 29, 2010

Mission Accomplished

Snoozing . . .
and playing before our BIG mission.
Tuesday we ventured out for the first time. We were only going to go to the Hobby Horse but decided to have lunch at the Brick. It was last minute, everyone had plans so we almost didn't go but sweet daddy met us. It was a much needed outing! Margaret was an angel. She slept most of the time and woke up of course right when we got our food to eat. Gave her her bottle and she was back to never never land. Afterwards, Margaret and I walked down to the Hobby Horse to exchange some things. The weather was so nice mom didn't want to go home.
Exhausted after our first outing
Tummy Time
She is doing so good (this is right after she propped herself up with her arms)
and some how maneuvered herself to face me. My little wiggle worm!

Monday, April 26, 2010

6 weeks

I had my postpartum appointment this morning so we decided to take Margaret to the Seton Center to get her weighed. In the last week, she has hit what seems to be a growth spurt. She is a lot heavier and the outfit below was huge a week or so ago and now fits. Dad thought Margaret was going to weigh 11 lbs, mom on the other hand was thinking low 10's. We both were wrong, thank goodness!
Our 6 week old "big" girl weighs 9 lbs. 11.6 oz.
We have been trying to enjoy the fabulous weather as much as possible so Margaret decided to take a nap under her new umbrella and enjoy the breeze.
This afternoon she was NOT a happy camper. Poor thing was fussy, fighting a nap and spitting up a lot! After being up since 5am with about 4 hours of sleep, it made for an exhausting day.
Was able to catch a quick picture but would only be pleasant with her paci.

Should of looked at this picture before her afternoon episode to give me strength. We just love her smiles!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

We love the weekends

because daddy is home . . . except tonight :( He is with Jim on a charter. Don't worry Margaret and I weren't alone, we had a date with Papa. He made a wonderful dinner. Thank you again! We enjoyed spending time with you, that is until Miss Pris decided it was time to go home.
Before we were about to leave to meet the Cassell's at the club Friday night, I caught these two sleepy heads snoozin!
Standing and . . .
sitting with daddy
We are loving this weather! Dad bought an umbrella for Margaret so we can be outside and get some fresh air.
I could just eat her up!

Love this girl!
(Sorry about the pics facing the wrong way. Working to fix it.)
Love playtime
Still not a fan of tummy time but as long as we have some like these mom is proud!
Getting some fresh air after an exhausting playtime :)
Owen was so sweet to let Margaret use the toy he had in his crib. If Miss Margaret is fussy (which of course she never is :) we put her in there so she can have a conversation with the animals.
What she seems to be doing less of!

Ready for summer

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A hard days work

This of course was a short lived nap.
Loves to sleep with her hands above her head.

Her favorite time of the day!

I got it!

Her newest trick . . . putting the paci back in her mouth! She isn't always successful but we love watching her try.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Where O Where

did my newborn go???
Margaret is growing WAY too fast! She is already fitting into 3 month clothes. Yep that's right, she is 5 weeks old today and ALREADY wearing 3 month things. Did not think this was suppose to happen. We were putting laundry away yesterday and decided to put away the newborn outfits :( She could probably wear a couple but the footed pj's were a bit tight. My girl has some long legs.

My new best friend

again! Before getting pregnant, I could not get out of bed without a cup. During pregnancy I could not stand the smell. Now that Miss Margaret is here, I am back to my normal ways . . . got to have my cup of joe!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Big girl bath

well not the gorgeous pink tub but one step closer.
We put away the turtle sponge and pulled out the whale tub.
Thank goodness she was a happy camper

Hopefully this is a start of many HAPPY bath times!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

So in love!!

Margaret is growing so fast. Her personality is starting to show and we are loving every minute! You could be beyond exhausted, overwhelmed, you name it, and as soon as she smiles it makes everything better.
We've been trying to have our tummy time everyday. Margaret would rather not but I was a proud mom yesterday.

I ran to Target the other day and came home to father/daughter time. Made my heart melt! She already has her daddy wrapped around her finger!!

One Month!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Daily attire!

This is pretty much what I look like these days which made it extra special to be able to get a haircut and pedicure yesterday.Much deserved!

Mom didn't know what to do with herself last night :) Leigh & Carter got married and dad stayed home with Margaret so I could go. It was nice to have adult interaction but I of course missed my little girl. Thank you daddy for being such a trouper yesterday and last night. I can not thank you enough! I love you so much!!!!

3 weeks down

Can not believe my little girl is one month old tomorrow.
Been a great but challenging month. The poor thing spits up a lot! We took her to the doctor last week bc not only is she spitting up, she seemed to be miserable after feedings. We wanted to make sure it isn't acid reflux so she is on medicine and mom is off dairy. The spit up is still happening but she is much happier after feedings so not sure if it is dairy or the medicine. So hard trying to narrow it down.
She is growing faster than I ever imagined. On Tuesday, she weighed 8 lbs. 15 oz. Um what! slow down little girl! Hate to say it but I am sure she is 9 lbs. now. We will find out Tuesday when we go for a follow up.

Grandma C watched her one afternoon so I could run a few errands. I went to pick her up at 5 and both dad and I had the same idea, leave her there a lil longer and run to the club for a quick dinner. Before I left, we put her down in a family cradle. Her great grandmother slept in it along with every member of the Moor & Cassidy family.
Margaret was wide awake one morning so we decided to have a photo session with her adorable gowns. We only made it through two until she couldn't handle it anymore :)
Great Grandmother Mimi got her this gorgeous gown and bonnet

Soon-to-be Aunt Megan's mom and sister were in town last Monday and stopped by to meet Margaret. They brought her this adorable gown. Thank you so much! We love it!
Uncle James and Soon-to-be Aunt Mary Jane were in town for Leigh's wedding and finally got to meet Miss Margaret. James was a lil tense if you can't tell :) We love you!!

Adam Flynt, pastor at Access Church, came by to bring us dinner and meet the newest addition. Thank you again for dinner. It was delicious.