Sunday, February 28, 2010

All we need is our little one . . .

The nursery is finished, infant seat is in the car, bags are packed and the house is clean . . . well as clean as it is going to get for the moment. Lets just hope the lil bambino arrives before we have to do another clean :)

The dresser my mom used as a changing table when I was a baby. I painted it to match a duvet cover I had in college so dad's mission was to get it back to white.
Mission Accomplished!
I woke up one morning to Tucker helping dad set up the swing. He loves the stuffed animals!

While Grandmother Cassidy was in Sandestin a month or so ago, she ran across this painting done by Meme while getting the house ready to put on the market. It looks great in the room and will cherish it always.
I had taken the nursery pictures and sent them to Meme the day she passed away but know she is looking down and loves seeing it in her great grandchild's room.

Aunt Bebe's bassinet anxiously waiting for Baby Brent!

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