We celebrated Christmas at Gigi and Pops the afternoon of Christmas Eve . . . got there late due to a wedding shower and work but were able to spend some time with the family. MomB and Harry drove in from the beach, as well as the Alexanders were all there.
Kirby opening his gift from Pops . . . fish!

Opening his Black and Decker Junior tools from us . . . aka big boy tools!

Ready to work :)
Gigi got MomB some gorgeous glasses

John and I drew both Bebe and Ted so we got them a fire pit for their new back patio.

Uncle James made it home soon after everyone left. We were so glad he made it safe and sound and were able to see him.
He brought Baby Brent a sock monkey
Thank you everyone for our goodies!!
Next stop the Cassidy's. Aunt Liz came in town and hadnt seen her since the end of September so she was anxious to see Baby Brent aka the belly! After dinner, we continued our Christmas Eve tradition and headed to the Atheys!
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