BOTH these girls are growing up so fast before our eyes.
Simms was starting to sleep great at night until this past week. The increased gnawing on everything and drool was the big giveaway . . . teething! Already?!?!?

Simms does NOT nap! If she does it is 30 minutes on the dot!!! Margaret takes a longer nap than all of Simms' naps combined. Praying this will change!

Such a happy girl! These 4 months have flown by and she is growing up sooooo fast! I hate to say that she is in 6 months and growing out of some of them. I spent today pulling out what 9 month clothes she might be able to wear of Margaret's.
We are headed to the doctor on Tuesday for her 4 month checkup. So eager to see how much she weighs. She is a lil chunky monkey :) Hoping the doctor has some words of wisdom for the sleep deprived mommy right now. Was not expecting to have a 23 month old getting her last few molars and a 4 month old teething at the same time!
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