well 3 weeks ago. It has been a whirlwind of a month. Dad in the hospital and not able to pick up the girls = one exhausted momma!
On New Years Eve, Simms slept great for pretty much the first time! And continued until her big sister got her sick. Back to square one we go. A week later she is back to sleeping great and then mommy gets sick. Daddy was out of town so we were in survival mode. Back to square one we go . . .

Love her smile!
For some reason I feel like she is growing a lot fast than Margaret did. She is pretty much wearing 6 month clothes. Today I was watching her spin around in her entertainer and flipping the book. Um what?!?!? Felt like it took Margaret forever to do that.

We haven't played much on the play mat because even when I am watching Margaret like a hawk, she always seems to end up almost on top of Simms. Margaret is getting better. She loves tummy time! She lays in front of Simms screaming "tummy time Simms tummy time."

Swing = happy well rested baby girl

Sisterly love! It is huggie huggie, kissy kissy NONSTOP!!! From sun up to sun down.

These girls are definitely wearing me out but I love watching them together. Margaret can not get enough of her baby sister and know they will best of friends.

22 months! WHAT?!?!?

She loves to dance, play outside, go on walks, watch Fresh Beat Band, play in her kitchen, puzzles, books, Chugginton (train set), say her 1,2,3's and ABC's. She has gotten so good and am very proud of her.

"I need that . . . "

With her best buddy Miss Langston. We sure are going to miss seeing you next year!

We finally made it to the beach to give MomB her Christmas presents. Margaret had so much fun showing MomB how to do the Itsy Bitsy Spider.

Love these munckins.
MTB - 22.5 months and CSB - 3.5 months