Best buds! They of course wanted each others toys but got along great. Margaret ran around the house calling Langston :)

The tide was a little high and of course the one cloud in the sky was above us but that didn't stop us from having fun at Tahiti Beach.

Feeding her new baby the Bryans gave her. I keep catching her trying to feed her baby her milk now that we are home :)

The girls were NOT fond of the life jackets but once the boat started moving, this is how you found Margaret :)

If you can not tell these girls had a blast together!! Margaret every now and then starts calling Langstons name wondering where she is. They are two peas in a pod that will be great friends just like their mommas!

After a rough, rainy boat ride to Marsh Harbor and a change of clothes later at the airport, we finally made it on the plane. Our pilot said it will be a bit bumpy but nothing too TRAGIC! I looked at John, laughed and said did he seriously just say that. The funny thing is he came back a little while later and said wow that was bumpier than we expected.
We had a wonderful time in paradise and can not thank the Bryans enough.
I volunteer to be the babysitter next time!