Weekends have been spent not only working in the yard but enjoying time as a family.

The weather was gorgeous one Saturday so we decided to go to lunch at the Brick. Margaret loved watching all the people go by and of course the attention

One morning we were ALL up way too early with nothing to eat in the house so we headed to Panera for a pick me up

and off to the grocery store for some grub.

That's my girl. Holly and I fell in love with 1664 beer in France. When we went to Wholefoods I couldn't resist and neither could Margaret :)

Saturdays have been spent cheering on the Tide. Her pj's were good luck for the Florida game.

This outfit not so much for the South Carolina game.
That's ok we are still going to wear it and be proud of BAMA.

Our favorite place to watch all the games is outside on our new deck.

What a great game . . .

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