Saturday, April 3, 2010

Not so Perfect . . .

we will always think she is perfect, however, she has had her moments this week. She's been fussier than normal, on and off cluster feedings, gas, or just wants to be held. We've had a couple of rough nights but Thursday night was the icing on the cake. We slept may be one hour! Poor thing screamed for hours and hours! She sounded congested so at 3am, we were trying to suck mucus out of her tiny nostrils. Definitely a site to see, two sleep deprived parents not knowing what they were doing. She did better last night but we are still pretty sleep deprived. She unfortunately has slept most of the afternoon so I hope she sleeps tonight. Hard to keep a newborn awake.
Mom and dad were able to have a couple of outings this past week just the two of us. Tuesday night we headed to the club to use John's birthday dinner. We dropped her off with GMC & GFC, enjoyed a nice dinner and after an hour, looked at each other not knowing what to do. Today, Gigi and Pops watched her so we could run some errands. We had lunch outside at the Brick to enjoy the wonderful weather. We walked around a couple of stores and headed to the grocery store and of course Lowes to finish our errands. Definitely nice for me to get out of the house especially after being cooped up day and night!
Thank you grandparents for watching Margaret so John and I could get out of the house and spend time together!


  1. what wonderful weather to enjoy today!! i hope that yall had fun at FYC!!
    i still think that my worst day of parenthood was when ellie was 3 weeks old & she cried for 9 hrs straight. it has all been downhill from that day. :-)

  2. Dear Baby Margs, Mommy and Daddy just don't understand what kind of pressure you are under. They get to show you off where ever you go and the feeling is very overwhelming. Don't worry, your uncle James understands. I promise they won't always act this crazy. You gotta eat when you gotta eat; and I wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom all the time. I think they are kinda being hypocritical, your daddy was once so hungry he made a grill cheese and forgot to take the wrapper off the cheese... I doubt it tasted that good. They have had plenty of experience with saying up late at night in their younger days so don't feel guilty if you aren't ready for bed yet. Can't wait to see you next week!
    Love Uncle James!
