Where has the time gone?!? Can not believe this lil munchkin is already a half a year old.
We had a great doctor appointment, despite her already being sick.
Weight: 16 pounds 7.5 ounces (50%)
she may be our lil chunky monkey but is growing at almost the same pace as her big sister :)
Height: 26 1/4 inches (50-75%)
Head: 42.5 cm (50%)
Margaret at 6 Months: 15 lbs 2 oz and is 26 inches long.
She is not a napper. She takes several cat naps. Every now and then she will sleep almost an hour and half but that's once in a blue moon. She was sleeping pretty good at night but since she has been sick the last two weeks she hasn't been sleeping as well.
She loves to read books with her big sister
She is doing such a great job sitting up. She leans forward like she is ready to take off. NO THANK YOU!!! Not ready for that :)
She loves sweet potatoes and butternut squash. Not a fan of avocados and acorn squash. When she has been given fruits, she gets a rash on her temple so we are staying clear of fruits for now and will try them again in a month or so.
A fun new toy! (well for Simms :) she loves to go backwards just like Margaret did.
Daddy told me she said momma this morning before I got up. I have yet to hear the first word but can't wait :)
She is such a happy and smiley lil girl. We are so blessed!