All dressed and ready to get our Christmas tree

Hmmm which one daddy???

A great way to kick of the holiday season - Christmas in Avondale

All bundled up for a fun night!

Simms finally getting to meet her cousins.

We started Simms on probiotics and if we do not miss a day, she seems to be happier.

We had a fun busy December. Did a lot of reading . . .

decorating . . .

and visiting Santa Clause.

"Santa Clause . . . kitchen . . . good girl"

Sisterly love! Truly blessed with these little munchkins!

Baby its cold outside!

We were bored one morning and since Margaret wanted to wear her matching dress we decided to have a photo shoot. First of many matching outfits :)

A fun Christmas party at TCC hosted by Mimi

Annual gingerbread house decorating.
This year I missed out on getting the house at Costco so I decided to get the train instead.

Huggie Huggie

"Choo Choo"

And holidays wouldn't be complete without making cookies for Santa.

Yummy icing!