First haircut

Her hair is slowly growing, except for the back is growing faster. She had cute little curls that turned into a mullet with this on and off again cold weather. While we were giving both girls a bath the other night we decided to giver her a haircut. Well daddy did! She quickly went from my little girl to a big girl, as she calls herself :)

Yesterday Margaret (the last turkey :) was in her first Thanksgiving Program. She was a little overwhelmed with all the people but did a great job. Tried to get a picture of her and her cute teachers but she would not have it.

Langston (second from right) and her purse :)
We headed to Chuck E Cheese a few weeks ago for "Owens Party"
The girls thought this looked like a lot of fun until it got as tall as their mommies
Double Trouble :)

Margaret had a blast and is still talking about "Owen's Party"

We have enjoyed a few cold snaps here and there.

so have bundled up and taken advantage of the great outdoors.

Love this time of year!!!! Now cooler weather will you please stay!