Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Repetez s'il vous plait

In the last few days, Margaret has gotten really good at repeating words. She has always loved saying Tucker and Dada but last night she said yellow and thank you, just to name a few. Her biggest accomplishment was "bye". Mom headed to Target to get a few things while dad and Margaret were outside looking at what a wonderful job the painters have done so far. Our neighbor was pulling out of her driveway and Margaret starts to wave and says, "bye"!!! Daddy could NOT believe his ears. He of course tried to get her to do again but that was a negative. I'll believe it when I hear it ;)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

10 Months!

She is growing up so fast!
We took dinner to some friends of ours the other night who had a baby a couple of weeks ago. John and I couldn't get over how tiny their precious daughter is. We looked at each other and tried to remember those first few weeks. Wow sooooo much has happened!
I have tried to get her to walk behind this toy but she will have NOTHING to do with it. I ran to get some coffee and came back to her walking across her play area.
Margaret is (crawling) all over the place. You can not take your eyes off of her for one second . . . right Papa :)
She is such a daddy's girl and loves watching him cut the grass.
Daddy where are you????
There you are!!
This past week I heard a lot of ruckus on our front porch. Blue jays were going crazy so after a few minutes I decided to see what all the fuss was about before they woke Margaret up. This adorable little guy was at the front door. Scared me to death! He stuck around til the sun went down and off he went.
Margaret LOVES books!

and bath time! The moment I open the shower curtain, she bolts to the bathroom . . .
to watch the tub fill up with water!

Such a happy girl!
We finally found a food she does NOT like . . . cauliflower.
(Seems she is starting to not like much these days! She not only threw sweet potatoes on the floor tonight but spit them out! Um what. She loves them!)
We did find more food she loves . . . blueberries and cranberries! YUM!
I made a recipe in my baby cookbook this morning - old fashioned oatmeal with cinnamon and vanilla. Margaret loved it and even fed herself several bites. So proud of my big girl!!
This pretty much sums up our last few weeks. Wild and crazy!!! When Margaret was sick she started a new nap schedule that makes it VERY hard for mom to get anything done. Which means we have barely left the house.
Sweet Langston brought over some adorable summer outfits for us to try. We are all set for a fun trip to the Keys!

Margaret is waving and clapping. When I read a book that says clap your hands or patty cake, Margaret claps away.
Friday we said good bye to yet another tree . . . the huge palm tree that made a big mess (all over the yard thanks to the squirrels)

Over the next few weeks we are going from stark white to . . . ??? We have narrowed it down to a couple but man is it tough! Especially when I was told on Thursday I had to have a color picked out. Sounds easy . . . No way! Have you seen how many colors are out there!!!!!
Stay tuned for pics of our newly painted house.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Answer to Prayers

After an exhausting morning at Wolfson's the other day, Dr Kim called to let us know everything looked great. It is a lymph node. Thank you Lord. After both of us in tears while they had to take blood from her tiny arm and holding her down to get her neck xrayed, we did not want to go back!
Another blessing . . . we made it to the doctor without dad running into the back of us :)
Now if we could only get these teeth in and get rid of this cold . . . we were reminded this morning that we do NOT miss the 2am wake ups anymore. At least after the feedings we all went back to sleep!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

This pretty much sums up our household the last few weeks!
It all started with daddy. Around Christmas he got a bad cough and cold. New Years Eve mommy got a lil bit of it but not as bad. Margaret's nose starting running a little at the same time but started really flowing when she woke up yesterday.

Poor thing has snot pouring out her nose and drool out of her mouth. Not fun having a cold and tooth 9 and 10 breaking!
We already had a doctors appointment to get a lump on her neck recheck so the doctor reconfirmed what we already knew . . . she has a cold. At first the suction bulb helped but now I can not keep up. So sad. She has taken many naps on mommy just so she can get some sleep. Hoping this will pass soon. However mommy's cold seems to be getting worse :(

(We went to get the lump rechecked and it is still there after 3 weeks. Dr Kim had a hard time trying to find out if it is part of the tissue or alone. We go back to Wolfson's tomorrow morning for an xray and blood work. We are hopeful it is nothing but it is better to be safe than sorry. Please pray for patience for our little wiggle worm and strength for her parents.)

Happy New Year

We had the whole gang over for a low key dinner. Not sure who had more fun :)

Times sure have changed. . . everyone was gone by 9.
John and I sat outside by the chiminea for awhile until we couldn't stand to listen to all the kids in the neighborhood setting of fireworks anymore. We were going to go to bed but remembered we had one more level on Mario to beat. It had been almost 10 months since we played! Before we knew it, it was midnight! A very uneventful evening but a perfect one for us!
Yummy . . . getting the fixings started!
No matter where I put my bag, Margaret finds it and throws everything out!

The New Years feast . . . that we are still eating!
Right before Christmas we went to Kline Cumming's first birthday party
Margaret had so much fun playing with Bebe Rosenbloom and all the other kids.

She played soooo hard and was beyond exhausted when we got home!

She loves to wave and points to almost everything!
Before Avery came we purchased these gates to keep the kiddos contained :) It has been a lifesaver for mommy!

Cooking in the kitchen Miss Langston brought over for Margaret to play with.


The day after Christmas we looked out the window and couldn't believe our eyes.
We bundled up and went to play in the snow ;)
After all the excitement we went back into the warm house to put some toys together.
Thank you Aunt Liz, Uncle James and Aunt Mary Jane. I LOVE my new car!!!!

Miss Priss is ALL over the place and having fun!!