This pretty much sums up our household the last few weeks!
It all started with daddy. Around Christmas he got a bad cough and cold. New Years Eve mommy got a
lil bit of it but not as bad. Margaret's nose starting running a little at the same time but started really flowing when she woke up yesterday.

Poor thing has snot pouring out her nose and drool out of her mouth. Not fun having a cold and tooth 9 and 10 breaking!
We already had a doctors appointment to get a lump on her neck recheck so the doctor reconfirmed what we already knew . . . she has a cold. At first the suction bulb helped but now I can not keep up. So sad. She has taken many naps on mommy just so she can get some sleep. Hoping this will pass soon. However mommy's cold seems to be getting worse :(
(We went to get the lump rechecked and it is still there after 3 weeks. Dr Kim had a hard time trying to find out if it is part of the tissue or alone. We go back to Wolfson's tomorrow morning for an xray and blood work. We are hopeful it is nothing but it is better to be safe than sorry. Please pray for patience for our little wiggle worm and strength for her parents.)