After 3 weeks of rice cereal, the doctor said we could go ahead with solids. I was a lil hesitant for many reasons but after hearing her fuss every time I ate, it was time.

Here goes nothing. Got to love the chubby cheeks :)

We started with sweet potatoes and as you can see she loved them.

Afterwards, she was soooo happy. She talked and talked nonstop!
So far so good. Next is pears which Margaret and I made.

In the last week Margaret has done so much better sitting up

A week ago if she turned her head a little she would fall

but we have noticed her looking around and still sitting up. Such a BIG girl!

This is a VERY different picture from last week!!
She was fussy, would not nap, and only wanted to be held.
Yesterday I noticed a white mark on her gums. I looked a lil closer and it was a tooth!
Explains everything!
Now that Miss Priss only wants to sit up on her own, we decided to get a new rug :)

We have enjoyed it so much, especially Margaret :)