Tuesday, March 30, 2010

She's Perfect!

Well mom could of told the doctor that without him letting me know after he examined her :)
Everything went well this morning. Margaret is growing like a weed . . . and here I was nervous she wasn't getting enough food. She weighs 8 lbs. 9 oz. (on a full belly :) and is 21.5 inches long. We were told to start trying to get on somewhat of a schedule during the day and night. Mainly to NOT get her to cluster feed. Exhausting being a human pacifier! Hopefully will teach her to not fall asleep during feedings. We also are to start tummy time. We have already tried it once today. Not so much of a fan. She loves to lay on her back and kick! We knew that with how active she was in mom's belly.
We are so blessed to have such a wonderful little girl. Definitely overwhelming and exhausting with all the unknowns but would never change a thing. Grandmother C watched her (while she slept) yesterday so I could exchange a few things. She told me to take my time and get whatever I needed done . . . problem . . . I missed my little girl and felt weird being away just after a couple of hours.

Happy Birthday Aunt Bebe

Pics from phone

Hugs & Kisses
Oh so comfy :)

At our first doctors appointment - March 19, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010

2 weeks old!

Mom was not very good at taking pictures this past week (I did capture a few on my cell phone I will try and upload at some point). Margaret has gone back to cluster feeding so it has kept mom pretty busy and exhausted. She will hopefully get past this falling asleep after only feeding 8 minutes tops! If we reach 10+ minutes, I feel like we have accomplished so much.

We did have a couple of firsts . . .
You guessed it, a walk! Think Tucker was the most excited?!?!
She wasn't so sure about the bright light . . .
but became very comfortable before we even left the driveway.

Sponge Bath Time!
The umbilical cord finally fell off!

So happy and clean!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A glimpse of Margaret's first week . . .

Margaret's first week was spent sleeping, eating and meeting family and friends. She is loved by so many!
My favorite pastime!
Life can't get much better :)
Snoozin with Grandpa C
Love my daddy!
Gigi & Pops
Obo (Harper) was sick when Margaret was born but came as soon as he was better.
Uncle Dick took time out of his busy schedule to come in town! Thanks for coming, we enjoyed getting to spend time with you.

Megan was in Amelia for spring break and stopped through Jax on her way home to meet Margaret.

Monday, March 22, 2010

One Week Today!

Where has the time gone?!?!? It has been a challenging week but an amazing one! The first couple of nights we were up ALL night. She finally started sleeping and we've had to set our alarm to make sure she is fed. After a long weekend of worrying, I took her to get weighed at the Seton Center. She weighed 7lbs 12oz (right before she tinkled everywhere :) Newborns are suppose to be at their birth weight by 2 weeks and Miss Margaret reached it in one! Thank goodness! A huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Mom was a lil worried bc she is impossible to wake up and falls asleep during feedings.
We love our little one and thank God everyday for bringing us this miracle.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

It's a GIRL!!!!!!

We arrived at the hospital at 3:30am on Monday already 7cm! Thank goodness I was able to get the epidural within 30 minutes. Mommy was MUCH happier! :)
Margaret Tillman was born at 10:15am, 7lbs 10oz and 20.5 inches.
Adorable tiny feet!
Aunt Bebe is in love!
Proud grandparents
He got his granddaughter :)
Daddy's little girl
I can not take my eyes off of her!

Grandmother C (hurry up and pick a name!) and Aunt Liz came to the hospital to help us get everything home. Thank you so much for your help! Dad especially thanks you!

The camera was accidentally on action mode so majority of the pics Aunt Liz took are of us moving . . . moving quickly so dad wouldn't leave us :)
I am so hungry and dad wouldn't let me eat bc he was so eager to get home!
The only picture of the three of us coming home. Dad was beyond anxious to get out of there so we were all rushed!
Home Sweet Home!
Aunt Liz is on spring break and came home from the beach a day early to meet her niece. We are so glad you are here!
Tired or should I say exhausted but happy mom!
Dad is in awe with his baby girl. We were just talking about how this week has flown since the moment I went into labor.
We survived our first night. She of course is sleeping at the moment. After the last feeding, I decided to stay up and eat breakfast while she took a quick cat nap. Not so much of a cat nap, almost 2 and a half hours later she is still asleep. Hope she will do this again for me this afternoon. She cluster feeds so all I do is feed her day AND night.
Even though I am exhausted, on fumes and just want to sleep, I wouldn't change a thing. We are so blessed to have this little angel in our lives and have enjoyed every second. Many thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers. Couldn't have gotten through it without you! XOXO

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Waiting AND waiting AND waiting . . .

Baby Brent can not wait to meet everyone, however is a lil too cozy right now. I keep letting him/her know everyone is wondering when, especially mom and dad. This is the first weekend we have not known what to do with ourselves. We were hoping we would have our lil one by now. We haven't done much of anything which has been nice. I have been a bit exhausted so trying to get as much sleep and R&R as I can. We go to the doctor first thing in the morning and for once I have never looked as forward to an appointment as the one we will have tomorrow.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Due date and NO baby :(

We are so blessed to have made it to our due date (as dad said in our prayer this morning) but man is momma ready. Anxious to meet our little one but looking forward to getting my body back. I know people say I will miss it but not these last few weeks! This basketball I am carrying is starting to bother mom.
Hopefully we will have some exciting news to share soon!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Within the Hour

I was looking at the votes for a boy vs a girl and noticed it does not say days remaining but HOURS! Wow . . . we can NOT believe tomorrow is March 12. With the stronger and more frequent Braxton Hicks I have been having the last few days, I hoped they would of turned into real labor contractions. No such luck but I am continuing to say my prayers :)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Snug Like a Bug in a Rug

4 days until the due date! Kind of crazy that the date we have been saying over and over again for the last 9 months is THIS Friday. WOW has this date crept up on us. Beyond anxious to meet our son or daughter!
We went to the doc this morning and was told there is very lil progress. Went from 2 cm to 2.5 cm. Not what mom wanted to hear but dad was pretty excited. I hoped after the horrible on and off cramps, back aches, stronger Braxton Hicks I had over the weekend that there might have been a lil more news. He mentioned that with the progress I have made that the labor should not be too long (definitely not getting too excited by that comment bc everybody is different although I do hope he is right.) He also said due to progress they do not want me to go a week past my due date but will discuss next Monday when (IF) we go back. The baby for once was not as active this appointment, probably a lil tired after keeping mom up all night, that his/her heartbeat was 125.
So for now we continue to do what we have been doing . . .wait and say our prayers! :)

39 weeks pregnant!
According to babycenter.com
Your baby's waiting to greet the world! He continues to build a layer of fat to help control his body temperature after birth, but it's likely he already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds, a mini watermelon. (Boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls.) The outer layers of his skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Happy Birthday . . .

Kirby (March 4) and John (March 5). Hope yall have a fabulous day!! XOXO

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lil Progress

We went to the doctor yesterday and all is well. The baby's heartbeat was 140 and doing great! I went from 1 cm, 60% effaced to 2 cm, 70% effaced. She was pleased with the progress. We have an appointment next Monday and will hopefully not be going back :) Dad is still shooting for his birthday or to come home on his birthday which I think is unlikely, sorry JB! Grandmother Cassidy is stuck in Cashiers due to the snow storm until the end of the week so she is hoping it will not be anytime soon. Hopefully Baby Brent will accomodate all of us, especially mom who is so ready to have her body back but most of all more than ready to meet him/her!!