I know I say this each month but where has the time gone? It seriously feels like yesterday I was posting she was 8 months old. I apologize for not being a very good blogger but between decorating for Christmas, having house guests, Christmas shopping, parties, and not to mention keeping up with a 9 month old, I haven't had a second to relax.

We went for her checkup yesterday and everything is great. Dr Kim couldn't get over how much personality she had. She smiled, talked, shared her paci and showed her a mouth full of teeth. We now have 6 teeth with a 7th popping through!! Ugh!!!
She weighed 16lbs 8oz and is 27.5 inches

We are having so much fun. Margaret loves to crawl, walk (with our help of course), wave, share her toys, play "Where is Margaret?" and "How big is Margaret?". She especially loves to talk! Mama, Dadda, Tucker (she has an interesting way of saying it but we know she is trying :)